CHyP System

What is it?

Proton Power, Inc. (PPI) has developed a patented clean energy system that produces inexpensive hydrogen-rich gas stream on demand from biomass and waste sources.

This core technology, referred to as Cellulose to Hydrogen Power (CHyP), is ideal for clean energy applications such as distributed or central-station electrical power generation, or production of synthetic diesel fuel.

Co-products are biochar, a which has valuable agricultural and industrial uses, and water.

PPI has successfully tested a wide variety of biomass types in its CHyP system, including energy crops, various kinds of woody biomass, and preprocessed municipal solid waste.

The syngas produced from the CHyP system can be used in various clean energy applications including:

  • Supplement for existing diesel fuel generators: up to 60 percent of diesel usage eliminated
  • Natural gas generators: CHyP syngas can be burned directly to make electricity
  • Synthetic diesel : synthetic transportation fuel at attractive ROI’s
  • Waste power generation binds toxic materials into non-leachable form and reduces volume going into landfills by up to 85 percent

Modular design allows for excellent system scalability.

The CHyP system provides many advantages over standard energy options:

  • A high yield of 40 percent hydrogen in CHyP syngas leads to low hydrogen cost
  • Feedstock can have 45 percent moisture content depending upon the application
  • Higher power density than many other syngases
  • The process is carbon neutral or negative
  • Systems are scalable to suit the application
  • Feedstocks can be renewable and sustainable
  • Small footprint facilitates remote locations
  • Continuous operation makes good economic sense
  • CHyP system can provide all ways energy is used: heat, electricity, and liquid fuel